Bringing healthcare professionals and employers together

S4N-We uphold the code of practice of “NHS Employers” for the recruitment of “International Healthcare Workers” S4N are on the NHS Employers Approved List of International Recruitment Agencies.

For Employers

Introducing healthcare employers to high-quality candidates.

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For Candidates

Bringing healthcare professionals together with leading NHS employers.

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Nursing Opportunities

Vacancies from leading recruiters and employers in the UK and overseas.

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Regular Events

We organise nursing recruitment events around the calendar.

Upcoming Events

Skills4nurses Recruitment Event

Returning To Portugal 24th July

This will be the 15th year of our attendance within one of Portugal's most premier Nursing Universities Graduation Events.

We have also secured a further 3 invitations for NHS Hospital Recruiters.

For more information please contact Elaine Paterson at

Skills4Nurses have over 20 years experience in nursing and healthcare recruitment

We have extensive experience in organising events, publishing promotional material and working with leading NHS employers. Our particular expertise is in sourcing high quality nursing staff in the UK, Ireland and overseas.

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  • Army Medical Services Reserve Scotland
  • Australian Nursing Agency
  • Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells
  • Healthstaff
  • Queensland Health Australia
  • Health Down South
  • Scottish Field Hospital
  • Chelsea & Westminster
parallax background

I'd recommend going to the next Skills4Nurses event.
I met some great employers and I got my perfect placement within the NHS.